Wednesday 16 March 2011


After trawling the internet to find some sort of logical, clear, or easy to understand definition of postmodernism and what it's all about, I can see why it is critisised, and why people resent it. In my opinion, it is plain, completely pointless nonsense, conjured up by a small group of influential theorists, who clearly have nothing better to do with their days than to sit around and think about things to say to oppose any generally accepted theories in fashion at the time. What do theorists do with their days? do they really just sit around and do nothing apart from try to think this s*** up? sounds like a pretty unfullfilling life in my opinion, clearly they are of no benefit to anybody. They don't actually DO anything, and yet somehow they are praised? anybody else sitting around on their arse all day would be told to get a job. So to all of you theorists out there, please stop wasting everybody's time and go and do something constructive with your own.
In my opinion postmodernism is a trend. It's a completely obscure, fashionable term with no real meaning or relevance to anybody. There IS no point to it. why does anything need to be defined by a theory? why do things need to be deconstructed and applied to theories? the answer - there is no need.
Nobody needs to know about it, it's hardly going to affect the lives of anybody is it? "uhh yeah, so the doctor told me all about postmodernism yesterday, and when i woke up this morning, i was cured of all my problems" - (bit of a random scenario i know, but i'm just trying to illustrate the fact that there are far more important things to worry about than if something is "postmodern" or not) if this was the case, however, then maybe i would accept it as some sort of useful existence, it stands, this clearly is never going to be the case, and as such - my conclusion is: it's pointless and nobody really needs to know about it to further them in life.

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