Monday 14 March 2011

Postmodernism : Its so old, its new.

"Postmodernists claim that in a media saturated world, where we are constantly immersed in media, 24/7 and on the move, at work and at home - the distinction between reality and the media representation of it becomes blurred or entirely invisible to us." Basically media reality is reality.

Since THEORIES began about postmodernism there has been opposing opinions to this such as seen in the article below by Mark Ramey. Some of the biggest question marks when it comes to Post-modernism is the fact that it offers no solutions to the problems created in our society. It is not clear to define and has different meanings to different postmodernists.

There are some critics of Post-modernism such as Alex Callinicos. Callinicos attacks notable postmodern thinkers such as Baudrillard and Lyotard, arguing postmodernism "reflects the disappointed revolutionary generation of '68, (particularly those of May 68) and the incorporation of many of its members into the professional and managerial 'new middle class'. It is best read as a symptom of political frustration and social mobility rather than as a significant intellectual or cultural phenomenon in its own right."

So basically Callinicos says we shouldnt take it serious and should consider it more as a interesting IDEA.

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