Monday 8 November 2010

Harry Hills TV Burp

Harry Hills TV burp started in 2001 and since then it has had nine series. 
TV Burp can easily be considered to be postmodern text for a variety of reasons. One of which is the fact that it is a twenty-five minuet show almost completely comprised of shows aired in the previous week. How postmodern is that! This is called Bricolage.

Another way in which it can be considered to be postmodern according to "Strinati's five" is confusion over time and space. This is seen when Harry Hill creates his own footage to imitate/parody with what has happened in the actual show and they are mixed together. Also when Harry Hill uses a sequence and puts it in a different context, this is where most of the humour comes from.
Here is an example:

  Harry Hills TV Burp is full of inter-textual references, as seen in the example above, towards the end. This also brings more humour as the inter-textualilty creates many running jokes through-out the programme.
Phil Mitchell Vs. Mr.Blobby 

An obvious reason to why Harry Hill's TV Burp is Postmodern is that it is aware of it constructed nature as it created so that it has direct address to camera breaking the "forth wall".
Its format is postmodern in the way that it is parodying a News broadcast structure. For example; the desk and chairs are set up as if its a news studio and
the cut-away's to what the presenter is talking about with a voice over.

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