Tuesday 8 March 2011

Some people think postmodernism is a load of rubbish. Why is this?

Do some internet research into some of the arguments against postmodernism and post a personal response to this idea as a comment to this blog post BY THE END OF THE LESSON (not shouting, really.)

READ THIS ARTICLE BEFORE YOU START - what do you think the author is saying about postmodernism and why?

After reading this article it appears that the author is conveying postmodernism in a negative light. It discusses various cases of postmodernism, the reality TV show were people are marooned on an island and other episodes are futhur discussed. I think the author has inferred whilst trying to convince us the negative outcomes in which postmodernism has created, using events which have occured in reality TV shows as evidence of the negative outcomes of postmodernism and the effects it can create through media.

Postmodernism is highly debated even among postmodernists themselves.
The period in which we now live is called postmodernism. Jean-Francois Lyotard has said that in postmodernism one has given up the idea of a grand narrative. Belief in universal criteria, like those in the Enlightenment, has been replaced by the postmodern relativism and pluralism. The idea now is to accept a number of different perspectives, and not exclude any expression or perspective from the culture or information stream. Postmodernism is the philosophical equivalent to New York City: Embracing pluralism, combination and diversity. As Lyotard claims, a unified culture has now been replaced by a culture full of many small stories, many different critieria – a polyphony of voices.

Some propose what they calls an extreme simplification of the "postmodern" as an 'incredulity towards meta-narratives'. These meta-narratives - sometimes 'grand narratives' - are grand, large-scale theories and philosophies of the world, such as the progress of history, the knowability of everything by science, and the possibility of absolute freedom. Lyotard argues that we have ceased to believe that narratives of this kind are adequate to represent and contain us all. We have become alert to difference, diversity, the incompatibility of our aspirations, beliefs and desires, and for that reason postmodernity is characterised by an abundance of micronarratives.

Postmodernism offers a different way of both constructing and deconstructing ideas. Therefore creating opinions that differ from eachother, causing arguments for, for and against postmodernism.

By Harry Hosking and Sophie Dolan!

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